
Video is a secret weapon. Why? Because video is the only way people can “spend time with you” without actually spending time with you. And of course spending time is the only way to build real trust and influence. And since people like numbered lists, here’s 20 reasons why using...

When you're starting a creative project, sometimes it’s helpful to have examples of other pieces of work that you can utilize as a template, inspiration, or proof of concept, especially with something visual like videos. It’s especially helpful to have visual references to show a group of people in order...

I used to think that everybody was creative. I’ve heard that phrase many times and it sounds inclusive and somewhat obvious, but I hadn’t given it a whole lot of thought until the last few years. I’ve taken creativity for granted. My overactive mind, imagination, natural interests, upbringing, personality, ADHD,...

This is a phrase that I’ve been saying to myself and others lately and I’m not sure where it came from. It sounds like a mission statement of sorts and maybe I picked it up somewhere else, but it’s helped me gain clarity on some things I’ve been thinking about...

Are you thinking of hiring a full-time video professional for your internal team? I'm not here to talk you out of it, like you may assume. As some of you may be aware, Votary initiates partnerships through clients taking our Story Acceleration Workshop. The workshop is designed to help align the...

Breaking News: Times are tough. The job market is fluctuating fast and a lot of people are getting laid off. The economy is pretty rough. Regardless of how we got here or how things will get better, people tend to be reactive in hard times. This includes businesses. It seems...