
Building a strong personal brand has become essential for founders. Why? Because deal flow requires more than making people aware of your company; you need serious authority and influence before sitting coming to the table. By the way, I include recruiting in my definition of deal flow. While there are many ways to...

Information seems to be speeding up and increasing consumer skepticism. Thoughtful brands are leveraging an unexpected medium to connect with their audiences: documentaries. This shift towards authenticity in marketing isn't just a fleeting trend; it's a response to a fundamental change in consumer behavior and expectations. According to a 2023 study...

Most business owners believe video should be a powerful part of their marketing strategy, but most business owners do not execute on a video content plan. Why? Because it's hard to run a business and a successful video team. I'll write more about that in a future blog but this article is...

Video is a secret weapon. Why? Because video is the only way people can “spend time with you” without actually spending time with you. And of course spending time is the only way to build real trust and influence. And since people like numbered lists, here’s 20 reasons why using...

Work is slow. I’m hearing it across the board. I’m hearing it from friends in completely different industries. My brother got laid off from his job recently. A ton more filmmakers are reaching out to us looking for opportunities. Many of us are having to take extra freelance work. The...