Story Growth™


Imagine a pipeline of endless qualified leads, sales closing faster, value aligned candidates seeking you out for employment, and a healthy culture brimming with energy and focus.


Story Growth is Votary’s proven partnership used to EDUCATE, ENGAGE, and ENTERTAIN your audience on an ongoing basis in order to build life changing influence.


So what types of film and video is in a Story Growth partnership?

Flagship films (created once in a while) and Subscription Series (your monthly content calendar).

Jordan and Julian Peterson – Essay Brand Story


Brand Story

Every organization needs a Brand Story on their home page. The Brand Story is an authentic view of who your brand really is, what you do, and what you stand for.


A good Brand Story shows your unique origin, examples of your core values in action, and turns the right viewer into a qualified prospect. 

Customer Story – Verbling

Customer Story

Often organizations make the mistake of capturing simple talking head testimonials but the problem is, no one cares about solicited words from your customer until they can see a detailed view of the problem that was solved. They need to identify with the situation and imagine their problems being solved and mini-documentary is perfect for this.


The trick is to leverage the age old structure of conflict plus raising of stakes. This creates a compelling story, builds trust, and leaves the viewer ready to take action.

Scripted Commercial – TekBond Super Glue

Scripted Commercial


The right idea, rewritten many times, with the right execution can lead to a successful Ad campaign . The secret sauce does not lie in flashy whiz bang, but rather in whether or not the viewer connects emotionally, on a deeply human level.


Think about Super Bowl Ads… the most boring are plastic star-laden, choreographed, VFX heavy nonsense with a cheesy punchline leaving you wondering who the Ad was for. Conversely, the ads that make you laugh or cry are endearing, and you talk about them.

Culture Story – University Prep (UpSchool)

Culture Story


Culture is often the most misunderstood and underdeveloped part of a business. Your culture can be determined by asking: “what does it take to fit in here?”. It will self reproduce, either positive or negative, but it can be greatly influenced using the power of story.


Imagine an internal facing documentary (or series) showing in detail the conflicts and how they were resolved… or spotlighting a team member who went above and beyond to innovate or serve a customer. When done authentically, it has a massive impact on company culture. For those who are brave enough to show these films publicly, you will attract more talent that fits with this desired culture.

Event Story – Artists For Humanity + Reebok

Event Story


Events are amazing opportunities to craft a narrative, because the key voices are already gathered. The event itself can be a great backdrop, but the story is about the reason for the event… new products, new features, community building, learning from experts in the conference topic, etc.


If you have guest speakers, crafting a story for them around the topics is a strong way to deepen the relationship and extend the collaboration into the guest’s social network.

Animated Explainer – Heterodox Academy

Animated Explainers


Whether for a product or a campaign, animated explainers can take complex or abstract concepts and make them easily understandable through the magic of visual storytelling.


Motion graphics can be crafted in an array of different styles to match your brand, and often a hybrid of live action and motion graphics is a cost effective way to do extended storytelling (think Vox animated infographics).

The Votary Collective is a network of creatives who can shoot, edit, animate, direct, make music, drink beer, and play ping-pong. We’re consistently collaborating with members of this vetted collective when the right project matches the right artist. If you want to join, simply fill out our registration form by clicking the button below and we’ll reach out to set up a face-to-face hangout!
Like any successful partnership, it all starts with good communication. Ultimately, we want to get to know you, where you came from, what drives you, and what your goals are.
Much like our interview process when filming on camera, we want to have an open conversation with you. This will give us both a sense of what partnering on projects together could look like. We’ll suggest a path forward after getting to know you and only after getting to know you.